Jon Baloian

VP of Product Management

Jon has worked at Baloian Farms for over 17 years purchasing packaging materials and overseeing the packing shed operations.

Jon was born in Fresno, CA, but raised in Southern California. A few years after completing a degree in social science from Azusa Pacific University, Jon returned to Fresno and has lived here the past 20 years.

Jon’s first job at Baloian Farms started in High School when he worked on the bell pepper line in the summer. He continued to return in the summers, the last two while in college, when he helped oversee the melon harvest. After nearly 10 years away, Jon returned to the company full-time and worked the night shift at the packing shed, supervising the bell pepper line.

The farm has always felt like a second home to Jon, as it was the setting where he came so often to see and spend time with his grandfather, Ed Baloian. His grandfather taught him, through words and deeds, to respect and value those he works with. He strives to build a work atmosphere where everybody feels respected and valued for their contributions in helping to beautifully and efficiently pack the most nutritious food to the world.

Jon is blessed to have a loving wife and wonderful family on both sides. When not at work, friends and family provide ample reasons for him to practice cooking and grilling at family gatherings.

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