From Humble Beginnings to a Flourishing Future With a Legacy
of Faith, Resilience & Growth

Thank you to everyone who has been part of the Baloian Team and made this possible!

Currently, we have fourth generation Baloians working in the company, and we have a fifth generation that has expressed an interest in contributing to our future. The Baloian Family is not only made up of people with that last name, but of all the people that have contributed to working towards accomplishing our mission statement. Our greatest asset is our people. It is their hard work and innovative ideas that keep us going.

I have had the privilege of being part of the Baloian Family business for over 50 years. I have seen many challenges with failures and successes. The one constant has been our faith in God, knowing he is in control. God has been faithful to us. He may not have given us what we want, but he has always given us what we need. I give all the credit and glory to God. (Proverbs 3:5,6).

Tim in eggplant field
tim baloian signature
Tim Baloian

Growing Together, Across Generations

The Foundational Years

The Baloian Family immigrated to the United States from Armenia to escape the massacres of their people by the Turkish government. By 1917, Charles Baloian had established himself as a farmer with a 70-acre ranch on Staten Island, New York. During harvest, he would take his produce by horse and wagon across the Staten Island Ferry and sell it on the New York City market.

Relocating to Fresno, California, the Baloian family adapted to new challenges. Charles’ innovative spirit led to expanded distribution and the establishment of the Charles Baloian Company, laying the groundwork for future growth. As Charles transformed his business model, he made a name for himself with merchants and farmers across California for his quality product, honest nature, and timely cash payments.

Expansion & Resilience

Overcoming Adversity

World War II brought hardships, but the post-war era saw James and Edward Baloian rejuvenating the business. This period is characterized by recovery, perseverance, and the strengthening of our family’s agricultural roots.

Pam Pak Distributors, Inc. started its own farming operations, allowing them to control quality from the field to the packing house while developing a program with more consistent and reliable supplies for customers. The formation of Pam-Pak and the expansion into new markets manifested a period of significant growth. Innovations in produce preservation and quality control redefined the business, setting new industry standards.

Innovation & Growth

05 1965 Pam Pak

Legacy & Sustainability

10 1993 Framed Carton

Marked by the establishment of Baloian Packing Co., Inc., and later the transition to Baloian Farms, this era saw further expansion to farming other areas for consistent supplies, modernization, and a strong commitment to sustainability, with the installation of a large-scale solar power system and continuous innovation in farming practices.

On October 13, 1993, an arsonist set fire to and destroyed the Baloian Packing facility. A Pam Pak carton pulled from the remains of the fire is framed and hanging at our headquarters in Fresno, California. The plaque reads: October 13, 1993 “Tried By Fire” 1 Peter 1:7. “These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.”

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